Megalourethra is a rare congenital anomaly resulting in elongation and dilatation of the penile urethra due to partial or complete agenesis of the erectile tissue (1,2). It is characterized by the congenital absence of the corpus spongiosum and/or corpus cavernosum, leading to dilatation of the urethra.


                                                (based on the severity of the defects in the corpus spongiosum and cavernosum)




Link to Pathogenesis








Bilateral Hydronephrosis



Mildly dilated thick walled bladder


Normal Amniotic fluid




Deviated Penis

Dilated penile urethra



Dilated penile urethra at 18 wks (image on right)


Normal non dilated penile urethra at 20 wks (as this appears to be a functional rather than true obstruction the urethra appears non dilated after fetal micturition, which is probably passive micturition due to pressure build up in the urinary bladder) (see images above)









Perinatal mortality rate may be as high as 60% for the fusiform type and 22.5% for the scaphoid type.




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  2. Dorairajan T. Defects of spongy tissue and congenital diverticuli of the penile urethra. Aust NZ J Surg 1963;32:209-214.
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